Friday, December 27, 2019

Immigration Of The United States - 1399 Words

Michelle Faed English 126 Immigration in the United States The United States of America, being a country established by immigrants, is known all over the world as the land of great opportunities. People from all walks of life travelled across the globe, taking a chance to find a better life for them and their family. Over the years, the population of immigrants has grown immensely, resulting in the currently controversial issue of illegal immigration. Illegal immigrants are the people who have overstayed the time granted on their US, visa or those who have broken the federal law by crossing the border illegally. Every year, hundreds of thousands of immigrants, legal and illegal, from around the world, come to the United States. These immigrants come because they want a chance at a better life; others are refugees, escaping persecution and civil wars in their home country. While America has long seen and celebrated itself as a nation of immigrants, what was useful in previous generations has potential problems that must be addressed through s tricter immigration policies. The United States government must amend stricter policies regarding immigration in order to reduce the increase of overpopulation the country faces. Immigration has been affecting America’s population for over two hundred years now and still continues to grow due to lenient policies being elected. Immigration was encouraged back in the 1800s to allow industrialization and growth in the country’sShow MoreRelatedImmigration And The United States986 Words   |  4 PagesImmigration in the United States continues to increase rapidly year by year. According to an analysis of monthly Census Bureau data by the Center for Immigration Studies, the immigration population in the United States, both legal and illegal, hit a record of 42.1 million in the second quarter of this year, an increase of 1.7 million since the same quarter of 2014 ( Clearly, Immigrants make up a large part of the population in the United States, and for most immigran ts, migrating to theRead MoreImmigration And The United States965 Words   |  4 Pages Immigration is a highly controversial and big problem in the United States today. â€Å"While some characterize our immigration crisis as solely an issue of the 11 to 12 million unauthorized immigrants living in this country, our problems extend beyond the number of undocumented people to a broader range of issues. The lack of a comprehensive federal solution has created a slew of lopsided, enforcement-only initiatives that have cost the country billions of dollars while failing to end unauthorizedRead MoreImmigration On The United States1302 Words   |  6 PagesImmigration Rights in the U.S. Immigration has occurred in the U.S. for for many years. Some say it’s the foundation of our country. America is the country where people leave their own country to live. People would leave due to mistreatment, hunger issues or job opportunities. America is known for starting over or accomplishing dreams, so immigrants travel over to follow those dreams. People emigrate from one country to another for a variety of complex reasons. Some are forced to move, due to conflictRead MoreThe Immigration Of The United States1711 Words   |  7 PagesThe vast majority of people living in the United States are descendants of immigrants, and yet majority of them are against them. It is quickly forgotten that America was built on immigrants that wanted a new life. A life free from harsh government, and the freedom from forced religion. The original settlers were immigrants that stole this land; immigrants continued to come for years. It is not a newly constructed concept that immigrants have always been a problem, ask any Native American. One usedRead MoreImmigration Of The United States1064 Words   |  5 Pages Camarota (2007, p.1), director of the Immigration Studies Center, reports there are 1.6 million documented and undocumented migrants take up residence in the United States every year. Camarota goes on to say that the immigrants occupy one-eighth of the total population who settled in the U.S. The flood of aliens, to a significant degree, hinders the development of the United States. Therefore, the issues which relate to immigration must not be neglected, and the government should keep the numberRead MoreImmigration And The United States Essay1377 Words   |  6 Pages Immigration has been a large conversation topic for such a long time in our country. We have worked on policies for immigration, and have made changes to them throughout the duration of our country’s existence. This topic is always worth mentioning and important, but has become a bigger topic once again due to presidential elections and the conversations being had about immigration from said elections. It is not necessarily easily seen if the concern with immigration is who is here legally or limitingRead MoreImmigration Of The United States1565 Words   |  7 PagesA native of Mexico, Gonzalez came to the United States using a visa, to visit family members and in 1994, police convicted Gonzalez of the abduction and rape of a Waukegan, Illinois woman. During his conviction his attorney, Vanessa Potkin, addressed that at twenty years old, Gonzalez spoke very little English, had no criminal record, and yet the police wanted to pin the crime on him. Twenty years later, DNA from the crime cleared him of both charges, and Gonzalez is now threatened with deportationRead MoreImmigration : The United States1087 Words   |  5 PagesThe United States is a popular and powerful which many people admire. It is very true that the country prospect and is more enrich. O pening the border might improve the economy or can impact the job market for American citizens. It is the jobs of American citizens to be given more to this illegal immigrant. I believe the U.S. borders should remain closed. While it is clear that opening the borders can have benefits, I believe it is more important to keep jobs available for Americans. In my opinionRead MoreThe Immigration Of The United States1632 Words   |  7 PagesFrench and European to settle in the New World. Since the colonial era, America has seen a wave of immigrants migrate in search of freedom and equality. Is this the same immigration today? Nearly 11.6 million immigrants from Mexico reside in the U.S. Today Immigration has a significant impact on many aspects of life in the United States, from the workforce and the classroom to communities across the country. Not all immigrants come to America legally whether as naturalized citizens, legal permanent residentsRead MoreImmigration And The United State s1106 Words   |  5 Pagesnineteenth century, the United States was relatively divided on the topic of immigration. A nation, which was essentially built by the work and concepts of immigrants themselves, was ready to close their doors to similar individuals looking for the same opportunity. While there was not a defined group of Americans in complete favor for new immigrants, there was a clear divide between those who were downright opposed and those open to compromise. Citizens opposing immigration backed up their arguments

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Family Life Cycle - 1558 Words

The family is considered to be an important institution of society, it is responsible for different functions such as reproduction, emotional support and economic support.(Haralambos and Holborn, 2004). The family is a social group characterized by common residence, economic cooperation and reproduction. It includes adults of both sexes, at least two of whom maintain a socially approved sexual relationship, and one or more children, own or adopted, of the sexually cohabitating adults. (Murdock, 1949) Additionally Functionalist Sociologists have explained that the family unit is a key institution used to maintain the proper function of society. They highlight that the main charge of the family is to teach the offspring the norms and†¦show more content†¦These perks that come with entering Eriksons last psycho-social stage helps these elderly individuals to live a little more comfortably. In 2002 Prime Minister Patrick Manning introduced a new sub division at the Ministry of Social Development called the Division of Ageing. Manning explained that the Trinidad and Tobago population is ageing, meaning that citizens over the age of forty make up the majority of our population. As such there needed to be measures put in place to ensure these individuals are being taken care of. So as we can imagine this division takes care of the concerns of the elderly population. In addition no matter how much the government try to make these individuals lives comfortable other citizens work to worsen the positions of these retired peoples. There have been cases where children of these pensioners take the money provided by the government to use for themselves, ignoring the needs of their elderly parents. There are retirement homes that house the elderly, those whose children work and cannot take care of them, some of these homes mistreat their guests again making these retired individuals uncomfortable. The Division of Ageing handles these cases,Show MoreRelatedFamily Life Cycle Essay865 Words   |  4 PagesEnds There are moments in life that society portrays as phases or experiences in which most and predicted to go. These moments are referred to as stages, by theoretical approaches, that are predicted as normative events. The â€Å"Family Life Cycle† approach suggest that families have life courses with predictable stages that are identified by normative events. Though, non-normative events that are not often experienced by families can take a different toll on ones life. In the story, â€Å"Road Ends†,Read MoreThe Concept Of Family Life Cycle1411 Words   |  6 Pages2a. Explain the concept of Family Life Cycle and its use in marketing. Choose one stage and give 4 products that might be marketed to them, and a TV show and a magazine that might be used as vehicles for the marketing effort. Be sure to justify your selections â€Å"The family life cycle (FLC) is a series of stages determined by a combination of age, marital status, and the presence or absence of children† (Chapter 8, page 146, MKTG). FLC is used in marketing to narrow down target markets. MarketingRead MoreThe Stages Of Family Life Cycle3169 Words   |  13 Pages INTRODUCTION 3 THE SIX STAGES OF THE FAMILY LIFE CYCLE 4 BACKGROUND DATA 6 THE LIFE CYCLE STAGES WHICH THE COUPLE FINDS THEMSELVES IN 7 MAJOR/MINOR ADJUSTMENTS THAT THE COUPLE HAD TO MAKE 8 THE VERTICAL STRESSOR THATRead MoreFamily Assessment And Life Cycle1865 Words   |  8 PagesFamily Assessment and Life Cycle The purpose of this paper is to enrich the familiarity and understanding of how a family’s values are impacted with regards to family health and wellness. Upon completion of the family assessment utilizing the Calgary Family Assessment model, the paper will reflect lifestyle changes, socioeconomic status, as well as a combined theoretical outline. Within this assessment there are three categories, structural, developmental, and functional. The structural elementRead MoreFamily Life Cycle Position Paper887 Words   |  4 PagesThe Family Life Cycle Winston-Salem State University The dynamics of the â€Å"Family Life Cycle† are forever changing due to environmental factors around us. We live in a country that has legalized same sex marriages and the media glorifies a dysfunctional government. So this leads us to the â€Å"Nature vs. Nurture† debate. The â€Å"Nature vs. Nurture† dispute has been around for years. The issue is trying to determine which factors have the greatest influence on human behavior. Environmental factorsRead MoreThe Role Of Traditional Family Life Cycle903 Words   |  4 Pages Traditional Family Life Cycle The stages the typical consumer passes through from childhood to death of spouse or partner is known as the family life cycle. The â€Å"typical† stages of a traditional family life cycle were as follows: 1. Bachelor stage 2. Young newlyweds with no children 3. Full nest I: youngest child under the age of six 4. Full nest II: youngest child over six 5. Full nest III: older married or with dependent children 6. Empty nest I: older married couples with dependent childrenRead MoreThe Family Life Cycle Stage Model751 Words   |  4 PagesAccording to the text, the family life cycle stage model is a theoretical framework that was developed in order to account for the regularities of a family life cycle over a period of a lifetime. (Goldenberg, I., Goldenberg, H. 2013). At each stage the family has to engage in a series of conflicts and negotiations which defines that particular stage. These conflicts and peace talks help develop the family’s identity and role within society. Remarkably, family identification has gone through suchRead MoreDivorce and the Family Life Cycle Essay1782 Words   |  8 PagesDivorce and the Family Life Cycle Divorce is becoming all too popular in our society today. When a couple experience tough times or have one too many arguments, they automatically think divorce. Despite its prevalence couples are not prepared for it’s long, drawn out, hurtful process. Divorce does not only hurt the individuals involved, it also affects the children tremendously. While many people don’t think divorce is a bad thing. Hollywood makes divorce look cool and uneventful. When in all realityRead MoreF Time : Family Life Cycle Transition Essay1357 Words   |  6 PagesDiscuss one example of an off-time family life cycle transition. An â€Å"off-time† family life cycle transition is a non-normative event that happens outside the expected life cycle and may cause trauma or a conflict to the family of the child with the disability. These events that happen are known as unexpected transitions which are experienced at an unanticipated or unusual time during the life cycle transition of a family who have a child with disabilities (Turnbull, Turnbull, Erwin, Soodak, Read MoreFamily Life Cycle Theory By Carter And Mcgoldrick1126 Words   |  5 PagesFamily Life Cycle Theory Developed by Carter and McGoldrick (1988), the family life cycle views dysfunction in relation to normal functioning, It frames problems within the course of the family as a system moving through time. The individual life cycle takes place within the family life cycle (Carter McGoldrick, 1988, p. 4). The foundation of the theory assumes that all families go through predictable change precipitated by life events and sometimes-unpredictable events (Azar, 2017b, 6). As these

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Internal vs External Change Agent free essay sample

One of the example that he did was â€Å"In his early years, he helped GE Plastics explode from a $28 million after-thought into a billion dollar business. (Answer) Promoting personally from the internal organisation will have its positive effects, as they will have known the organisation structure, culture and also the employees’ working attitudes and behaviour towards their job and the organisation. And will have the awareness of what is the current problem of organisation is facing and the cause of it. Which can be shown by Jack Welch decided to quit due to â€Å"frustrated by the organisations bureaucracy†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Answer). This could save the time of finding out of the current practices, culture and procedures of the organisation. And know which of the manager of the organisation can entrust. This provides a morale boast to the front line employee who is suffering from the current situation; a mutual understanding will be form between the employees and the new CEO as they might have worked together before. We will write a custom essay sample on Internal vs External Change Agent or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Knowing the structure of the organisation inside out, will let the new CEO to know which part of the structure is in flaw and require fixing whether it is the corporate between two departments of within the department itself or even the flow of process a project or working procedure. With the time spent in the organisation, the CEO will have known the culture of it like; knowing the time of employee’s lunch hour and tea break sessions. He will be able to make necessary changes to it to boast the productive of the worker. And knowing the employees’ working attitudes caused by the culture, for example a manager picking on every small mistake and carry heavy punishment will cause the employee to work in fear and lower morale which lead to lower productive. With the knowledge of problems that is causing the organisation to function poorly, the internal promoted CEO, he will know who he can entrust to do fix the problem and knowing which products/services that organisation manufactured/provided are with flaws. As an insider of the organisation, the CEO will have known that the weakness of the product and will able to cut off the production and switch the organisation focus on other type of product. Which is something, as a CEO hired from other place, cannot carry such actions. As this is will because chaos will break out in the organisation, as this will give a feeling or message to the employee that they will lose the sense of belonging to the work as they will feel that they don’t have the skill or knowledge to cope with it. As for the promoted CEO from within might have problem to create a revolution for the organisation as he might have a fix mind set of following the currents culture and structure, which will only make the situation more worse as the employee will not able to see any changes in their work regards for better or worse. As CEO is hired from other organisation, this will bring in a different view and will able to bring in other organisation strengths to help improve the current situation of the organisation. The new CEO will not bind down with the relationship of the current staff and thus he will not hesitate to replace the current staff with the more capable new staff. This will give a clear message to the current staff to change their working attitude towards their job. With new top management, this will change the culture of the organisation might have a positive effect as changes is for the good. However, by bringing new culture or replacing with new staff, this might have a side effect on the organisation, as the current staff might felt left out and the suddenly change to culture can create new problem as the current staff might not able to cope with it. An internal leadership will prove a better solution for the organisation that is going for a change. As this shorten the process of understanding the organisation and pointing out problem faster than a CEO hired from other organisation. And also they are more accurately to identifying the correct person with their hearing from others. With the case of Jack Welch, he was able to turn one of the GE’s business from million to billion worth. â€Å"An internal placement could result in multiple inside promotions. † (Sullivan 1999) Since there is an open slot for promotion, as people are moving up, this can serve as a reason for people to show what they can do for the organisation. Thus improve the organisation productive.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Womens Roles In Aeschylus And Euripides Essay Example For Students

Womens Roles In Aeschylus And Euripides Essay Womens Roles in Aeschylus and EuripidesDue to the fact of similarities between authors writing in the same place and time, we often make the mistake of presuming their viewpoints are identical on the given subject. It would be a mistake to expect Aeschylus Agamemnon and Euripides Medea to express identical views on the subject; each author had a unique way. The opinions of these two writers on this subject are actually different. Aeschylus plays revolved around ethics, and commonly he presented as objectively as possible, by asking the audience to judge the ethical questions for themselves. Agamemnon is not really about Agamemnon as much as is about Clytemnestra, his wife. Clytemnestra tells us early on that she has suffered terribly in her life, and mentions the loss of her daughter Iphigenia. Aeschylus has making us sympathize with Clytemnestra. After Agamemnon arrives, Clytemnestra treats him almost like a god, insisting on wrapping him in a huge royal robe as he descends from his chariot. Agamemnon protests that this kind of welcome is unnecessary, but Clytemnestra is insistent, and he finally gives in. Clytemnestra, however, has an another motive; she uses the huge robe to make it difficult for him to fight against her; as Clytemnestra later confesses, Our never-ending, all embracing net, I cast it/ wide for the royal haul, I coil him round and round/ in the wealth, the robes of doom (Norton, 559). Once trapped, she stabs him three times. We will write a custom essay on Womens Roles In Aeschylus And Euripides specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Killing a king is a very public act, and Clytemnestra makes no effort to hide what she has done. Rather, she comes out into the public square outside the palace, bearing the bloodstained robe, and tells the Chorus that she has killed their king, and why. Agamemnon had sacrificed his own child. Despite the fact that Agamemnon looked upon his deed as a public necessity, Clytemnestra saw her daughters death as a private loss, and consequently could not forgive it. The point is that Aeschylus has created a woman with whom his audience could sympathize, and whose pain felt real to them. This was no small effort, considering the fact that in ancient Greece women were looked same as slaves. Euripides, in writing Medea, presents women in a much different way. There is a similarity between Euripides story and Aeschylus; both Clytemnestra and Medea is strong, passionate woman who commit a horrendous crime. But then the similarity stops. In Agamemnon, we understand why Agamemnon did what he did , but somehow we feel that Clytemnestra was completely justified in planning ten years worth of bitterness against the man who killed her child. And under her circumstances, we completely sympathize with her desire to kill the man who separated her of the daughter she loved. Part of the reason we have so much sympathy for Clytemnestra is that Aeschylus presented her as a tragic character. We feel her pain, she does not seem insane to us. In the other hand, with Euripides Medea is the opposite. In the opening speech the Nurse warns us that Medea is dangerous; she is not presented like a suffering creature as much as the wrong woman to mess with. Later, the Nurse cautions Medeas children to stay clear of their mother for a while: What did I said, my dear children? Your motherFrets her hart and frets her anger. Run away quickly into the house,And well out of her sight. Dont go anywhere near, but be carefulOf the wildness and bitter natureOf that proud mind. Go now run quickly indoors. (Norton, 644)In the very next speech Medea curses her children, she is not a nice woman. .u0aaf0499b9951fe62fa9cae324a57d9c , .u0aaf0499b9951fe62fa9cae324a57d9c .postImageUrl , .u0aaf0499b9951fe62fa9cae324a57d9c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0aaf0499b9951fe62fa9cae324a57d9c , .u0aaf0499b9951fe62fa9cae324a57d9c:hover , .u0aaf0499b9951fe62fa9cae324a57d9c:visited , .u0aaf0499b9951fe62fa9cae324a57d9c:active { border:0!important; } .u0aaf0499b9951fe62fa9cae324a57d9c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0aaf0499b9951fe62fa9cae324a57d9c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0aaf0499b9951fe62fa9cae324a57d9c:active , .u0aaf0499b9951fe62fa9cae324a57d9c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0aaf0499b9951fe62fa9cae324a57d9c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0aaf0499b9951fe62fa9cae324a57d9c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0aaf0499b9951fe62fa9cae324a57d9c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0aaf0499b9951fe62fa9cae324a57d9c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0aaf0499b9951fe62fa9cae324a57d9c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0aaf0499b9951fe62fa9cae324a57d9c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0aaf0499b9951fe62fa9cae324a57d9c .u0aaf0499b9951fe62fa9cae324a57d9c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0aaf0499b9951fe62fa9cae324a57d9c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: British Columbia EssayThe reason why we can forgive Clytemnestra but not Medea is based in the innocence or guilt of their victims. Medea has killed her brother; she kills her husbands new bride; and later she kills her children. One cannot sympathize with these acts; they are all out of proportion to Medeas reasons for doing them; and they clearly show Medea to be out of her mind. But what does it say about Aeschylus and Euripides views on the role of women? Aeschylus would seem to have a much more open view of women, he gives Clytemnestra some credit. Moreover, he makes her sympathetic enough that even his audience would have understood Clytemnestras view, and excused her one-time intrusion into an area normally reserved for men seeking vengeance. On the other hand, Euripides seems to fear women, if his characterization of Medea is any indication. Medea is not the least human being; she is portrayed as if she were from another planet. She is barbarian, and what we would now call a cold-blooded killer. Euripides knows that most of the women of his people are not like that, but he is clearly responding to what he senses is the other. Because women are not exactly like men, he seems to be saying, they could be capable of doing something like these. Unfortunately, in Athenian society Age, there would seem to have been many people who agreed with Euripides than with Aeschylus. Women had no legal rights; their function, aside from motherhood, was to see that the home ran smoothly and the lives of their men were secure and comfortable. From this point, what is truly remarkable is that Aeschylus managed to make Clytemnestra sympathetic at all. BibliographyMaynard Mack, and Editors. The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces. Vol. 1. New York: Norton and Company, 1998. Aeschylus (translated by Robert Eagles). The Orestia. Agamemnon The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces. Vol. 1. Ed. Maynard Mack, and editors. New York: Norton and Company, 1998.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Katherine Mansfield Essays - Bisexual Women, Fourth Way, Free Essays

Katherine Mansfield Essays - Bisexual Women, Fourth Way, Free Essays Katherine Mansfield Katherine Mansfield Katherine Mansfield, who lived from 1888 to 1923, is considered to be one of the most remarkable short story writers of her time. Using her life experiences as an inspiration for her short stories, Mansfield sculpted her ideas into masterful pieces of literary work. Mansfield's life was full of interesting experiences that shaped her outlook upon life. The diversity of friends and acquaintances Katherine Mansfield had over her lifetime also had a great influence on her career. Even as a child, Mansfield made decisions about her life that would create a path for her career to start on. Katherine Mansfield was born Kathleen Mansfield Beauchamp to Harold and Annie Dyer Beauchamp on October 14, 1888. The Beauchamp family called New Zealand their home. A Sea Voyage, written by the young Kathleen Beauchamp, won first-place at the Karori Village School, the grammar school she first attended (Nathan 1). This accomplishment encouraged young Beauchamp to continue on writing. After attending grammar school, Kathleen went on to attend Miss Swainson's Secondary School. During this time, she is acquainted with Maata Mahupuka, a native Maori. Her interest in Mahupuka later grew into a brief love affair with him (Nathan 1). After graduating from secondary school, Miss Kathleen Mansfield Beauchamp left New Zealand. She decided this after thwarting the idea of a career in music. Beauchamp went on to attend London's Queens College and study literature. While in attendance at Queens College, Kathleen made a friend in Ida Baker. Ida Baker, like Beauchamp, was an avid writer. Kathleen gave the pen name Lesley Moore to Ida, after Beauchamp's brother Lesley (Sampson 308). In the spring of 1907, Miss Beauchamp held in garden party and invited many of her acquaintances from college. The party was a complete success until it was discovered that a cottager who lived on the property had been accidentally killed (Nathan 1). This event spawned to become The Garden Party, Beauchamp's first major work (Encarta). In 1909, Kathleen Beauchamp became acquainted with a man by the name of G. C. Bowden. After only a brief period they became engaged and married. The evening after their marriage, Kathleen left Bowden (Disc. Authors 1). Leaving Bowden, she ran away with her longtime friend Garnet Trowell. Trowell was from Wellington; she was a fairly well known cellist. While running away with Garnet Trowell, Kathleen had an affair with a man who ultimately impregnates her. When Kathleen finally discovered this pregnancy, she returned to her mother for support. Trying to remove Kathleen from the distractions of everyday life, Kathleen's mother took her to Bad Worishofen, Bavaria to await the pregnancy (Nathan 1). In June of 1909, Kathleen had a miscarriage. While awaiting the birth of her child, Kathleen wrote stories and drew sketches related to her experiences of Bavaria (Disc. Authors 1). She wrote most of her work in her room at the Hotel Kreuzer (Nathan 1). After battling through difficult times, Beauchamp made many changes in her life. Kathleen Mansfield Beauchamp began using the name Katherine Mansfield exclusively starting in 1910 (Nathan 1). Steven Swift, a fairly well known publisher at the time, published the first copies of Mansfield's In a German Pension (Baugh 287). It was originally advertised as a six-schilling novel (Baugh 287). Only a short time after the initial publication, Swift added the work onto his list of Books that Compel (Sampson 308). During this time, Katherine Mansfield made an acquaintance with an important person. J. Middleton Murry was the editor of Rhyme magazine. Katherine met Murry for the first time when he was twenty-two while working in the same town (Nathan 1). J. Middleton Murry and Katherine Mansfield became closer and their personal relationship grew. Eventually, Murry moved in with Katherine at her London apartment and they soon became lovers. John Middleton Murry and Katherine Beauchamp Mansfield were married on May 3, 1918. This move was made in an act of convenience as well as love, considering Murry was an editor of a magazine that also published short stories. After her marriage to Murry in May of 1918, Katherine went right back to work. In August of the same year, she published the short story Bliss in the English Review (Nathan 1). In

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Tax Allowances in Petroleum Industry Assignment

Tax Allowances in Petroleum Industry - Assignment Example Earlier experiences from such attempts by other nations have been considered for comparative analysis of the factors. The paper comprises of four parts. Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan are two states that broke away from the Russian federation after the fall of the former Soviet Union. They are both members of the CIS and have immense wealth of mineral oil and crude deposits. Together they comprise more than a third of the CIS's total energy reserves. However they are both classified as nascent developing states and as nascent states have it, the political economy of both countries suffer from huge administrative lethargy. Both countries bet heavily of the oil reserves and are striving to attract foreign investments in these sectors. Azerbaijan has made great leaps and has overtaken Kazakhstan in terms of volumetric performance of the oil sector. But as economists point out, its fiscal policies lack the complexity to accommodate the sudden surge in revenue. Hence their revenue from oil will peak towards the end of the decade and then stabilise on a relatively low rate of declaration. Kazakhstan on the other hand has seen very little dramatic... It is in these contexts that the fiscal reforms of the countries have to be considered as far as reforms in the oil sector taxation will be studied. 1. Overview of the tax systems in Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan Oil Industry Tax system in Kazakhstan oil industry The Taxation system in Kazakhstan is the most renowned model in the erstwhile Soviet Union. The Tax Code of 2002 implied an "international model of taxation, based on the principles of equity, economic neutrality and simplicity". During the year 1996, a Treaty on the Avoidance of Double Taxation was signed between United States and Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan has since signed 36 such agreements with various foreign governments until today1. The four main laws which govern the petroleum sector in Kazakhstan are: The Subsurface Law The Petroleum Law The Tax Code (2001) Law on Production Sharing Agreement for the sake of offshore oil dealings (zakhstan Oil and Gas Tax Guide) Taxation on Oil and Gas The new tax code that came in to force wef. 1st January 2002 has remarkably decreased the number of taxed sectors from a previous 53 to 36. The new code reflected better insight and clarity in the tax regime rather than the previous clumsy one. These new taxes were more detailed, and comprehensive. With this emerged a new framework on long term taxation issues in the petroleum industry and for the first time, long term financial planning and better feasibility studies could be effectively done by investors in the sector. The improved Tax Code which came in to effect from January 1, 2005 brought changes in tax regulations and lowered the economic load of investors considerably. The chief tax heads for companies dealing in the oil and gas sector are Corporate Income Tax, Value